In recent months we have all found ourselves rethinking issues such as air quality and home well-being or in the workplace. In a certain way, we had to become more aware of a theme that we have often considered secondary: the regular change of air to ensure greater health and livability of the environment. A constant recirculation of the air can be secured, for example, by opening the windows frequently. But this is not always possible. Just think of winter, outdoor temperatures and the amount of polluting weather, especially in large cities.

To overcome this problem, but not only, Controlled Mechanical Ventilation systems (VMC) are increasingly being installed. The operation of VMC systems is very simple. In practice, the air in the room, filled with moisture and carbon dioxide, is sucked in by the VMC system and conveyed into the heat retriever. Here it gives its thermal energy to the “new” air taken from the outside and that, before getting to the exchanger, is filtered thanks to the double dust filters (inlet and outlet).
The VMC system is therefore an excellent ally for ventilation indoors and improving air quality. Among the main advantages of a VMC system we would like to emphasize:
Reducing energy waste: by avoiding opening windows, the temperature inside a room is kept almost constant, while ensuring a continuous recirculation of the air;
– The avoiding of mold and condensation on the walls, due most often also to airtight fixtures and thermal insulation with coat or insulated roof, thanks to the entry of always “new” air;
Continuous control of parameters such as temperature and humidity within a room, as well as the regulation of the ventilation flow;
– The ability to combine multiple machines with each other and then check air quality on multiple rooms at the same time (up to 16 devices);
– The ease of maintenance of the devices, as all filters and components are easily disassembled and washable for greater hygiene (the device goes into bulk after 2000 hours of operation, forcing the user to check the status of the filters and carry out the necessary maintenance).

ASSOLO 91 is one of the mechanical ventilation systems proposed by TECNOGAS, it is a high-performance product and adaptable to any need. The ceramic recover unit provides a thermal performance of up to 90%. Available in several versions, ASSOLO 91 is built from high-quality materials and can be installed in any environment, thanks to an essential design.

Watch the presentation video of ASSOLO 91 CLICK HERE

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